Month: June 2015

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Make Room

Make Room

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to do what you love and make a living doing it? I know I have! Truth be told, I think about it everyday. What can I do to allow myself to do what I’m called to do for the rest of my life? I think Scripture gives us a clue as to how it can be done.

Proverbs 18:16 declares, “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before the great.” (ESV) What does this mean? How does this happen? Let’s journey through Scripture. Joseph’s gift of dream interpretation brought him before Pharaoh and into his official court of advisors. Daniel’s gift of wisdom brought him into the advisory court of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. A shepherd boy by the name of David had a gift of leadership and he became King over Israel. Of course, Jesus being the ultimate gift Himself, had him in audience with Pilate shortly before his crucifixion and pricked the Roman officials heart AND now sits at the right hand of the Father.

What was the key though? Was it training? No. Was it skill? No. Was it a natural giftedness? No. Each one of these individuals had one thing in common that their success is attributed to: they made room for God. See for the believer, we understand it is God who gave the gift, God who blesses the gift, and God who allows the gift to bless us. Plain and simple: When you make room for God, He will allow your gift to make room for you.

Daniel fasted, Joseph was obedient, David had a heart for God, and Jesus, well…He did everything right, most notably taking time to pray to God and seek His will. When Daniel made room for God, he was promoted and his people were blessed while in exile. When Jospeh made room, he saved future generations of Hebrews. When David made room, the nation of Israel prospered. When Jesus made room for the Father, the Father made room for us!

Now here is the question that is staring you in the face: Are you making room for God? We might be tempted to rationalize the two hours during the week we give as plenty of “room,” but God desires and deserves more than that, right? Of course He does!

Imagine what would happen if you made more room for God. What would your life look like? What would you be doing? Would you be doing what you are doing now? Who would be blessed by the room made for you because you made room for God?

Your purpose is bigger than you think and is inextricably tied to the room you make for God. It is in the room where you find clarity. It is in the room where you find vison. It is in the room where you discover purpose. It is in the room where your passion is fueled. It is in the room, where it all begins!

Your task…go MAKE room, so room can be MADE!

Prof. Q

Vacancy Needing To Be Filled…

Vacancy Needing To Be Filled…

This past Sunday in worship, I was called upon to pray and I felt the urgency to pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit to fill the lives and hearts of those in the congregation.  The prayer started with thanksgiving and then quickly escalated to a passionate plea for preparation for the Holy Spirit and a desperate cry for Him to come. “God remove anything from within us that is not like you. Then fill us with your Holy Spirit continually,” were the words that leapt from my heart to my tongue and into the microphone. When the prayer had concluded, I found my eyes wet with tears, my breathing heavy, and feeling inflamed with a longing for more of the Spirit of God.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8, ESV

More than anything else that this world needs is Spirit-filled followers of Christ Jesus. With so many issues facing our communities, 1000s of churches closing their doors each year, and even so many despondent Christians who feel stuck in limbo when it comes to a true relationship with God, now is as good a time as any for an invitation of the Holy Spirit into our lives! There is a vacancy that needs to be filled.

The Holy Spirit is the power and the life that inflames us with passion, strength, and courage. He is the one who stirs up the gift of God within us. He is the force that couples our gift with passion to live on purpose. It is He who teaches us, leads us, and guides us on how we can live purposeful lives that glorify God, build us up, and serves others. He is WHO we need to be all that God is created to be!

Going into uncharted territory, Church on Purpose is in desperate need for a continual filling with God’s Spirit. We need Him for guidance. We need Him for direction. We need Him for peace. We need Him for boldness. We need Him for faith. We need Him for strength. We need Him for wisdom. Pray we are continually filled with the Holy Spirit to be witnesses to those in Omaha. They need us to be!

My prayer for you is that you would be continually filled with the Holy Spirit, knowing and experiencing the power, truth and love that comes through fellowship with Him.

Grace and Peace,

Prof. Q